Faith Times (Web Version)


This Calendar is sponsored by The Thanks-Giving Foundation (TGF) of Dallas, Texas, and members/friends of the Interfaith Council (IFC) of Thanks-Giving Square. Primary editors are A. Muscatwalla, R. M. Stromberg and A. Sidhwa. Contributors include many volunteers who submitted vital information and those who gathered and collated the data, including A. Stromberg, S. Glazer, and S. and J. Fomin.

Design of the web site was under the direction of the Art and History Department of the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA), Associate Professor of Design, Seiji Ikeda, with student participants (…) Technical advisor and liaison was N. Jepson, a member of the TGF Board of Directors.

We hope that Faith Times 2022 Calendar will be a helpful tool in planning and executing activities this year, and that it enhances understanding, cooperation and friendship among you and the people with whom you share time and space.

The Calendar provides a simple, brief overview of information. As many faiths are dynamic in nature, their practices and member identities may vary over time. Also, within each faith, there is a variety of adherents’ commitment to observances, some following all practices and others only occasionally. Finally, most of the nearly 30 faiths represented in this Calendar are international, so some of the holidays and cultural practices may vary from what you have experienced.



To access information in this Calendar, you can click on items by months, by specific dates, traditional/cultural practices, or the name of the faith group. Here is a list of participants and their abbreviations.

  • African Methodist Episcopal (AME)
  • Baha’i (B)
  • Baptist (Ba)
  • Buddhist (Bu)
  • Catholic (C)
  • Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (CJC)
  • Confucianism (Co)
  • Christian Science (CS)
  • Druze (D)
  • Eastern Orthodox (EO)
  • Hindu (H)
  • Humanism (Hu)
  • Islam (I)
    • Shia (I-Sh);
    • Shia Ismaili (I-Shi)
    • Sunni (I-Su)
  • Jainism (Ja)
  • Jehovah’s Witnesses (JW)
  • Judaism (Ju)
  • Lutheran (L)
  • Methodist (M)
  • Native American (NA)
  • Presbyterian (Pre)
  • Protestant (P)
  • Secular, United States (S-US)
  • Seventh-day Adventists (SDA)
  • Sikh (S)
  • Shinto (Sh)
  • Tao (T)
  • Urantia Book (UB)
  • Unitarian Universalist (UU)
  • Vedanta (V)
  • Wicca(n)? (W)
  • Zoroastrian (Z)

Faith Times 2022 Calendar

This Calendar has two main sections:

Section One is a month-by month calendar of festivals, celebrations, and Holy Days, with a brief description of each listing. Some faiths observe their events on the same day every year, and others, who follow Lunar or Solar calendars, may not.

Section Two contains information about traditional and cultural practices. These brief items have been identified by members and friends of the IFC, which is centered at Thanks-Giving Square in Dallas, Texas, and has members from the greater Dallas/Fort Worth area.

Here are the topics that are covered in this section. In some cases, groups submit only what is applicable to their faith.

  • Origin: country and date
  • Population:
    • approximate number of world adherents
    • approximate number of adherents in America Diet/fasting
  • Clothing
  • Medical issues
  • Financial and charitable traditions
  • Sacred texts
  • Language of Prayer and Religious Practices


We look forward to your feedback and inquires. Please direct it to

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