Become an Advocate of Gratitude
By generously supporting Thanks-Giving Foundation and Thanks-Giving Square, you’re truly becoming a part of a greater movement of gratitude that leads to a greater community and a greater world.
There are many ways to participate. You can show your support through recurring gifts that support ongoing programming needs, or you can make one-time gift that helps with immediate work we’re doing in the community. You can also honor someone special in your life through tribute, memorial and legacy gifts. Throughout the year, there are plenty of opportunities to engage in events such as seasonal work days and beautification initiatives, or help out through community outreach and volunteer programs.
Thank you for helping to sustain a sacred place where all cultures and faith traditions can come together in a spirit of gratitude, virtue and goodwill.
Ways to Give
Make a Recurring Gift to our general operations fund
Recurring gifts help The Thanks-Giving Foundation plan for future needs, including the improvement, maintenance and operation of Thanks-Giving Square and community programming hosted by Faith Forward Dallas at Thanks-Giving Square and the Interfaith Council.
Make a One Time Gift to our general operations fund
Make a donation online to the the Thanks-Giving Foundation and you will have an immediate impact on the beautiful Thanks-Giving Square that we own and care for, and on the work we do in the community.
Tribute, Memorial, and Legacy Gifts
Tribute gifts honor someone for a special occasion such as a birthday, wedding, or anniversary. Memorial gifts honor the memory of someone important. Including the Thanks-Giving Foundation in your estate and legacy plan ensures that we can continue our mission. Contact us to make a special gift.
Donate by Mail
You may download and print our Donation Form, or simply send a check with a note with any additional information to the following address:
The Thanks-Giving Foundation
P.O. Box 131770
Dallas, Texas 75313-1770
Other Ways to Support Us
Make a Tax-Deductible Donation to our General Operating Fund
Attend and/or Support The 2025 National Day of Prayer Luncheon
Support Faith Forward Dallas at Thanks-Giving Square
Support The Interfaith Council of The Thanks-Giving Foundation
Our passionate volunteers provide support to The Thanks-Giving Foundation throughout the year, through both organized events and personal arrangements. Some of the ways you can volunteer your time and talents include:
- The Thanks-Giving Square Neighbors Council hosts seasonal work days to help with landscaping, light maintenance, and cleanup efforts.
- Faith Forward Dallas and the Interfaith Council organize many community outreach and volunteer programs.
- The National Day of Prayer Luncheon relies on volunteers to help with guest registration and event support.
Group Volunteers
Do you have a group of volunteers wanting to help? We can work with your school, organization, or business to organize a special work day addressing current needs. Contact us to schedule an event.
In Gratitude
Founding Donors contributed to construct Thanks-Giving Square in 1976; their names were honored in bronze plaques in the Garden.
1976 Founding Donors
- Hoblitzelle Foundation
- The Stewart Family honoring Myrtle Pauls Stewart and Harry Ewing Stewart
- Republic National Bank
- Fountain of Life gift of the Haggar Family honoring Mrs. J.M. Haggar, Sr.
- “Like a Tree Planted by the Rivers of Water” The Grove given by the Cullum Family
- The Bell Tower of Thanksgiving a gift of the K.E. Burg Family
- Court of All Nations given by Dresser Industries in appreciation of its worldwide employees
- Atlantic Richfield Company
- The LTV Corporation
- Anonymous
- Chapel Bridge in honor of Mr. and Mrs. E. Constantin, Jr., The Constantin Foundation
- Fidelity Union Life honoring Mrs. Carr P. Collins, Sr.
- Dallas Clearing House Association
- Falls in the Grove given by Allen Merriam in memory of his wife Mildred A. Merriam
- A gift of N.B. and W.H. Hunt
- The Waterfall in thanksgiving for a loving husband and father Joe C. Thompson by Margaret Philp Thompson and for their sons John, Jere and Joe, Jr.
- A Garden of Thanksgiving honoring Lyda Bunker Hunt given by her children
- Lone Star Gas Company
- Dallas Power and Light Company
- Garden of Thanksgiving by Mrs. Carr Collins, Sr. in honor of her grandchildren
- A gift of thanksgiving for the Slaughter and Browning Families — Colonel C.C. Slaughter, Alex A. Slaughter, Mrs. Blanche E. Hall, Hattie Louise Browning, William Webb Browning, Jr., Harold Jefferys Browning
- The Dallas Times Herald
- The Families of Charles and Sam Wyly
- Meadows Foundation, Inc; A.H. Meadows, President
- Southwestern Bell Telephone Company
- The Eugene McDermotts
- Carr P. Collins Foundation
- First National Bank in Dallas
- Texas Power and Light Company
- Southern Path given by Gifford-Hill and the Gifford Family
- The Department Store Association — J.C. Penney; Sanger-Harris; Montgomery Ward; Sears, Roebuck and Company; Neiman Marcus; Titches
- Anonymous
- The Jonsson Family in honor of Margaret Jonsson
- Mr. and Mrs. John M. Stemmons
- Gladys H. and Granville C. Morton
- Anonymous
- Mr. and Mrs. Cecil H. Green
- Mr. and Mrs. James J. Ling
- A gift of the Moody Foundation in honor of Mary Moody Northen
- American Airlines notes with gratitude the vital role of Dallas/Ft. Worth in American’s success and leadership
- Special lighting for the Hall of The Dallas Foundation
- Mrs. Charles E. Beard
- Employers Insurance of Texas
- Cullum and Boren Company
- The Bass Foundation
- The Florence Foundation
- Earl F. Hayes
- Cecil H. and Ida M. Green
- Thanks be to God — Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cullum
- Dallas Federal Savings and Loan Association
- Julius Schepps Family
- Ruth and Charles Sharp
- Dean and Mrs. R.G. Storey
- Joe O. Neuhoff, Sr.
- Congressman and Mrs. James M. Collins
- The Eugene McDermott Foundation
- We praise the Center for World Thanksgiving for its inspiration and gifts to our city — John and Jode Johnson / Johson & Gibbs, P.C.
- David R. and Mary Lou Edgar
- Independent Insurance Agents of Dallas
- The Charles B. Goodard Foundation
- In memory of George P. Macatee, Jr.
- National Bank of Commerce of Dallas
- Lucy Ball Owsley
- Mr. and Mrs. Theodore P. Beasley
- Sanger-Harris
- Mr. and Mrs. Albert Susman
- Toddie L. Wynne
- Karl F. Young
- Wynne and Jaffe
Donors contributed to a special campaign to enhance the visitor experience at Thanks-Giving Square with new interpretive signage and wayfinding.
2015 Signage Campaign Donors
- William Hildeson
- Kyle C. Talkington
- Sherry Nelson
- Keith Stubbs
- Justin and Lindsey Cook
- Janny Strickland
- Pamela Abeyta
- C. Troy Mathis
- Sabrina Abney
- Isaac Paez
- Amanda Davidson
- Jeffrey Kurz
- Dharmesh Patel
- The Sherer Family
- Allyson, Andrew, Theo & Lucy Spires
- Linda and Chris Slaughter
- Dmitriy Kolasnikov
- Mike Dunlap
- Corey Rawdon
- Dr. Julie & Mr. Garrison Sutton
- Veronica Simmons
- Parker Walters
- Leah Shafer and Greg Glaser
- David Schulze and Seldon Short
- Chase & Michelle Helm
- Jeffrey Scott Ketterer
- Gil and Lynne Glover
- Dallas Parks Foundation
- Barbara & Stan Levenson
- Jennifer and Peter Altabef
- Kevin Dale McCullough
- The Denesuk Family
- P. Jason Poehler
- Presley Poehler
- Simone Skinner
- Looking forward not backward, being aware of and showing gratitude for our many blessings, and reciprocating others’ kindness and help, make our world better.P. Jason Poehler
- We are grateful for the unifying power of thanks-giving among all people.Jennifer & Peter Altabef
- Your love and support encourages me to be bold and live life to the fullest. I hope to be the same light to others. Simone Skinner
- I am grateful that the spirit of thanksgiving and gratitude are in the heart of our city.Linda and Chris Slaughter
- Gratefulness for those that striveto improve other’s lives. We transcend when we embody positivity in our hearts and minds. Dmitriy Kolasnikov
- We are forever grateful for the land on which this landmark rests providing a diverse respite for all.Dallas Parks Foundation
- How boring would life be if God had made us all the same. We need to embrace and celebrate our differences! Jeffrey Kurz
- “Gratitude is much more than a verbal expression of thanks. Action expresses more gratitude than speech.”— Mary Baker Eddy Allyson, Andrew, Theo & Lucy Spires
- For the blessings of yesterday, today, and tomorrow —I owe my eternal gratitude. Corey Rawdon
- We are blessed to reside in Dallas and are grateful for so many opportunities to contribute to the growth and vitality of our community. Barbara & Stan Levenson
- Profoundly grateful for the heritage of responsiveness to our Creator that is celebrated and anchored in Downtown Dallas.
- From an unknown author: “Contentment is not the fulfillment of what you want, but the realization of how much you already have.” Sherer Family
- The things youtake for granted someone else is praying for. Presley Poehler
- Navigate the glorious Creation of our Lord with wide eyes of wonder. Thank Him with acts of Love; bring Hope and Joy to all. Jeffrey Scott Ketterer
- Gratitude is a lens through which the world brightens.The Denesuk Family
- I’m grateful for the people who love downtown Dallas.
- Greater love has no one than this, that someonelay down his lifefor his friends.
Donors contributed to a special campaign purchasing 40 outdoor chairs and tables in honor of Thanks-Giving Square’s 40th anniversary in 2017.
2017 40 Chairs for 40 years campaign Donors
- Ben Reavis
- Harriet Miers
- Jeffrey Ketterer
- Jane and Stephen Lerer
- Catherine Jackson
- Sybil and Lyle Novinski
- Frank Rees
- Doug Rippeto
- Maryn Taylor
- Rebecca and Ron Gafford
- Kay Slaughter
- Dharmesh Patel
- Melissa and Paul Stewart
- Durham Family Foundation
- Carol Seay
- Corey Rawdon
- Noah Jeppson
- Emily Claire Reavis
- Owen Benjamin Reavis
- We are grateful to God for his blessings.
- A nice chair here, for you to rest your rear. – JK
- Thanks to Chris Slaughter. From Jane and Stephen
- Have a seat. Enjoy the view. Jane and Stephen
- My wish for you As you sit down: Good health and blessing. J&S
- Plop down and do nothing for a while. Jane and Stephen
- Enjoy your stop; Give Thanks; Come back
- A place to sit is a blessing. May this chair express our gratitude for this place. Lyle and Sybil Novinski
- Frank, Joanie, Michelle, Chris
- Donated by Doug Rippeto in memory of his loving parents
- Our story began here. The Taylor Family; 04/24/10
- Dean Gafford
- Eirik Gafford
- Finn Gafford
- Owen Daugherty
- In gratitude for my brother, Chris Slaughter
- THE Dharmesh Patel
- In appreciation for the public service of Chris Slaughter.
- Durham Family Foundation
- Carol Seay in Memory of Louise Gartner
- When eating the fruit, remember who planted the tree. – Vietnamese proverb
- Daily tea time is my hygge — may you find yours in this chair. – CR
- In recognition of the volunteers who serve on the Thanks-Giving Square Neighbors Council
Let all your friends know that you are a Gratitude Enthusiast by showing off your Thanks-Giving Foundation gear. We are proudly offering t-shirts, mugs, posters and note cards for your purchase. Also, we are offering “in-lieu-of” cards for your gifting opportunities.
Amazon Smile
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